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News / Articles

List of Member Publications

Published on 4/28/2019

DPC Publications

Author or Coauthor



Journal / Specific Reference

Malone G.


What's Wrong with My Family? And How to Live Your Best Life Anyway.


Griffin F


In Search of Lost Time in Psychological Space

American Imago, In Press

Brenner, A


Teaching Supportive Psychotherapy in the Twenty-First Century.

Harvard Review of Psychiatry 20:259

Brenner, A


What Medical Students Say About Psychiatry: results of a reflection exercise

Academic Psychiatry 35:196.

Brenner, A


Narratives of Shame, Tormenting Ghosts, and the Job of the Therapist.

Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17:259

Thornton WL, Cain J, and Litle M


Trauma, Certainty, and Exile

Contemporary Psychoanalysis 46(3) p.355-379

Evans, H M and Stringer, CA


A History of the Theory of Prenatal Attachment

Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 23:201

Griffin F


Constructing Ernest Jones… (Book Review)

Int J Psychoanalysis 90:1169

Stringer, CA


Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer and Object Relationships in Early Memories

J Nerv Mental Dis 197:196

Evans, H M and Stringer, CA


Trajectory of Depressive Symptoms on an Antepartum Unit

Obstet Gynecol. 111S:91

Heath A C


Pharmacologic Treatment of Postpartum Women with New-Onset Major Depression…

J Clinical Psychiatry 69;659

Stringer, CA


Prenatal Depression In Women Hospitalized for Obstetric Risk

J Clin Psychiatry 69:635

Stringer, CA


Maternal and Fetal Representations, Dimensions of Personality and Prenatal Attachment in Women Hospitalized with High-Risk Pregnancy.

JAPA 55:253

Brenner, A


The Role of Personal Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in becoming a Competent Psychiatrist.

Harvard Review of Psychiatry 14:268

Griffin F


Teaching Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Voices That Have Reach.

JAPA vol.54

Gomberg, Herb.


Self Analysis

Dallas Psa Inst. Newsletter, number 22, August

Griffin F


Clinical Conversations between Psychoanalysis and Imaginative Literature

Psychoanalytic Quarterly vol.74

Gomberg, Herb.


Book Review of "New Clinical Realms: Pushing the Envelope Of Theory and Technique" by Salman Akhtar, M.D.

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Assn., 52/4: 1281-1284

Griffin F


The Fortunate Physician: Learning from our Patients, Literature, and Medicine.

Literature and Medicine, Volume 23, No. 2, Fall 2004

Griffin F


One Form of Self-Analysis.

Psychoanalytic Quarterly vol.73

Frenkel, R.S.


Vaginal and Clitoral Orgasm

In: The Freud Encyclopedia; Theory, Therapy, and Culture, Ed. E. Erwin

Gomberg, Herb.



in The Freud Encyclopedia, ed. Erwin, Routledge, New York and London

Frenkel, R.S.


On Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis

J Clinical Psychoanalysis 9:292

Frenkel, R.S.


Homosexual Object Choice: Observations from the Analysis of 3 Bisexual Women.

J Clinical Psychoanalysis 9:331

Malone G.


Five Keys for Understanding Men, A Woman's Guide.


Gomberg, Herb.


Book Review of "Psychoanalysis at the Psychopolitical Border" Edited by L. Rangel and R. Moses-Hrushovski

International Journal of Psychoanalysis 79/3:613-614

Gomberg, Herb.



Dallas Psychoanalytic Institute Newsletter, number 7, March

Frenkel, R.S.


Oedipal and Preoedipal Transference Transformations: Comments on the Analysis of a Latency-Age Boy.

Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 51:326

Frenkel, R.S.


A Reconsideration of Object Choice in Women: Phallus or Fallacy.

JAPA Supplement on Female Psychology 44:133

Gomberg, Herb.


Self-Observation, Self-Analysis, and Reanalysis. Panel Report

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Assn., 42/4:1237-1250

Frenkel, R.S.


Problems in Female Development: Comment on the Analysis of an Early Latency Age Girl.

Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 48:171

Gomberg, Herb.


A Brief History of Psychoanalysis in Dallas

The American Psychoanalyst, 27/4

Frenkel, R.S.


An Unexpected Abortion Controversy: Some Observations from an Analytic Session of a Single Nonpregnant Woman.

J. Clinical Psychoanalysis 1:583

Frenkel, R.S.


The Early Abortion of a Pseudocyesis: Some Observations from the Analysis of an Adolescent Girl.

Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 46:237

Melchiode, G


On Teaching Today's Residents Psychoanalytic Concepts

J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanalysis 19:648

Altshuler, K Z


What Ever Happened to Intensive Psychotherapy?

Am J Psychiatry 147:4

Altshuler, K Z


Common Mistakes made by Beginning Psychotherapists

Academic Psychiatry 13:73

Altshuler, K Z


Will the Psychotherapies Yield Different Results? A Look at Assumptions in therapy trials.

Am J Psychotherapy 43:310

Gomberg, Herb.


Book Review of "Rat Man" by Stuart Schneiderman

The Psychoanalytic Quarterly LVIII:257-260

Altshuler, K Z


Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Therapies: A Comparison of Theory and Tactics

Am J Psychotherapy 38:4

Altshuler, K Z


On the Question of Bisexuality

Am J Psychotherapy 38:484

Roskos, S R


Psychodynamic Aspects in the Use of MAO Inhibitor Antidepressants

Bull Menninger Clin 45:143

Gomberg, Herb.


A Note on the Phallic Significance of Spitting

The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, L:90-95

Roskos, S R


Staff and Patients evaluate their Therapeutic Community

Comprehensive Psychiatry 30:550

Altshuler, K Z


A Survey of Dreams in the Ages

Arch Gen Psychiatry 4:419

Stephanie Swales’ Publications

Swales, S. & Owens, C. (2019). Psychoanalysing Ambivalence with Freud and Lacan: 

On and Off the Couch.  New York & London: Routledge.

Swales, S. (2012). Perversion: A Lacanian Psychoanalytic Approach to the Subject. New York 

& London: Routledge. 

Swales, S. (2019). Session IV: “The Psychology of the Rich: Pausanias”. In G. Thakur 

& J. Dickstein (Eds.) Reading Lacan's Seminar VIII: On Transference. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Swales, S. (2019). Session XVIII: “Real Presence”. In G. Thakur & J. Dickstein (Eds.) 

Reading Lacan's Seminar VIII: On Transference. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Swales, S. (2018). Metaphor of the Subject. In S. Vanheule, D. Hook, & C. Neill (Eds.) Reading 

Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘Signification of the Phallus’ To ‘Metaphor of the Subject’. London & New York: Routledge. 

Swales, S. (2018). The Phobic and Fetish Objects. In C. Owens & N. Almqvist (Eds.) Studying 

Lacan’s Seminars IV and V: From Lack to Desire. London & New York: Routledge.

Swales, S. (2018). Transphobia in the Bathroom: Sexual difference, alterity, and jouissance. 

Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 23 (3), 290-309.

Owens, C. & Swales, S. (2018). Why the Zombies Ate My Neighbors: Whither Ambivalence?. 

In V. Sinclair & M. Steinkoler (Eds.) On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives. London & New York: Routledge. 

Swales, S. (2017). Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Children: Framing Challenges and 

Inventions. In C. Owens and S. Farrelly (Eds.) Further Notes on the Child: Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Babies, Children and Teenagers. London: Karnac.

Swales, S. (2017). Neurotic treatment resistance in screen- or phone-based analysis. 

Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 14, 2, 175-192.

Pruitt, S.L., Leonard, T., Xuan, L., Amory, R., Nguyen, O.K., Pezzia, C., Swales, S. (2016). 

Who Is Food Insecure? Implications for Targeted Recruitment and Outreach, National 

Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005–2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 13.

Swales, S. (2011). S/he stole my jouissance! A Lacanian approach to gender in the group

GROUP, 35, 3, 221-234.

Swales, S. (2010). Psychosis or neurosis? Lacanian diagnosis and group therapists. GROUP, 34, 

2, 129-144. 

Fowler, C., Brunnschweiler, B., Swales, S., & Brock, J. (2005). Assessment of Rorschach 

dependency measures in female inpatients diagnosed with borderline personality 

disorder. Journal of Personality Assessment, 85, 146-153.

Swales, S. (2019). Review of Jessica Benjamin’s Beyond Doer and Done To: Recognition 

Theory, Intersubjectivity, and the Third. Psychoanalysis, Culture, & Society, 24, 3, 371-375.

Swales, S. (2017). Review of Sergio Benvenuto’s What are Perversions? Sexuality, Ethics, 

Psychoanalysis. DIVISION/Review, 16.

Swales, S. (2014). Hysteria as a philosophical problem [Review of the book A non-

Oedipal psychoanalysis? A clinical anthropology of hysteria in the works of Freud and Lacan, by P. Van Haute & T. Geyskens]. Philosophy in Review, 34, 3-4, 174-176.