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HomePsychoanalytic Training

Psychoanalytic Education and Training




The new Psychoanalytic Education Program at DPC combines three pathways - Candidate, Fellow, and Studies/Scholar. These pathways endeavor to offer flexibility in a rigorous didactic environment. All didactics are taken together in the same virtual classroom. This program is anticipated to be offered every 3 years.


This program offers all students exposure to the psychoanalytic study of the mind with a heterogeneous group that stimulates diverse ideas and discussions. Additionally, it may become a clinical support system and possible referral network.  

The Psychoanalytic Education Program consists of:

1.  PSYCHOANALYTIC CANDIDATE (for individuals applying for full psychoanalytic training)

The tripartite psychoanalytic training program will involve the following components:

  • 5 years of required didactic seminars.

  • 3 psychoanalytic control cases with 3 different approved Consulting Analysts (CA).

  • Personal analysis with an approved Personal Analyst (PA)

  • The full requirements are available in the DPC Training Manual.  

2. PSYCHOANALYTIC FELLOW (a 2-year psychoanalytic psychotherapy training program) 

This choice is for the student who is interested in utilizing psychoanalytic theory and technique in their clinical practice. A Fellow has the option to apply to become a Candidate at any time during the first two years. The fellowship training program will involve the following components:

  • The first 2 years of the didactic program

  • Two psychotherapy cases supervised by an approved therapy consultant. It is recommended that a different therapy consultant be utilized for each participant year. 

  • As part of the Second Year Child Development Course: Completion of Child Observation (one observation hour per week for ten weeks).

  • Weekly psychoanalytic psychotherapy or analysis is recommended. 


This choice is for individuals who want to learn more about psychoanalytic theory and concepts without clinical requirements. The Psychoanalytic Studies/Scholar program will involve the following components:

  • The student can participate in either the 2 year or the 5 year program of didactics.

  • Personal psychoanalytic therapy or analysis is required for the 5 year program and optional for the 2 year program.

  • Upon completion of the 2 year program, the student will receive a certificate in Psychoanalytic Studies. And, upon completion of the 5 year program, a student will receive a certificate as a Psychoanalytic Scholar.


The tuition currently is $1200 per semester.

DPC dues are $250 per year.

Candidates negotiate fees individually with Consulting Analysts (CA) and Personal Analysts (PA). Most CAs and PAs are willing to offer reduced fees.

Fellows negotiate fees individually with approved therapy consultants who are typically willing to reduce fees.

Program fee assistance is available on an individual basis. Applications for program fee assistance will not be considered until all applications are in place.  The deadline for program fee assistance applications will be June 1.


Contact the DPC  Administrator at with questions.