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Published On 9/14/2020
Thanks to all for the great turnout for the DPC Annual Members' Meeting! It was great to see all your faces! We're making it work!
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Published On 12/17/2019
Episode Description:
Harvey Schwartz welcomes Dr. A. Chris Heath, who is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Heath has dedicated himself to helping people understand their unconscious mind and he’s done this through his remarkable YouTube channel called HeathMD where he features entertaining videos about how the mind works and it has more than 45,000 views. Dr. Heath is a member of the social media and board of the International Psychoanalytical Association as well as a member of the Committee for Public Information of the American Psychoanalytic Association. As you will hear in the interview, there is an aliveness and vibrancy to Dr. Heath – he shows all of us his love of the work, his enjoyment in explaining it and the gift he has of taking nuanced concepts and presenting them in a very user-friendly fashion.

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Published On 4/28/2019
"What is psychoanalysis?" This is a question I am asked frequently. I resist the temptation to answer a question with a question, and try to educate and demystify. However, I know that if I do a reasonable job of responding more questions will follow: Why does it take so long? Who can afford the time and money? Who still does that? Why do you have to be on a couch? What good does it do? Haven't medications made that obsolete? The list goes on, but curiosity is a good thing. Now let me try to share my response to the first question.
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Published On 4/28/2019
Anyone, regardless of whether they have had any training or not, let alone formal psychoanalytic training, can refer to themselves as a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.
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Published On 4/28/2019
Psychoanalysis and its derivative, psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy (sometimes referred to as psychodynamic psychotherapy), are psychotherapies designed to treat individuals with psychological problems involving emotional, behavioral, interpersonal, social, and/or vocational symptoms . They are humanisitic in nature--that is, the analyst is there to assist the individual, as a fellow human being, with his or her difficulties, in a mutual effort to overcome impediments to greater fullfilment and improved functioning.
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Published On 4/28/2019
What are the effects and implications of managed care on the mental health care professionals ("providers" in managed care parlance) and their patients ("consumers", again, in managed care terms)?
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To ask a writer why he writes is to ask a very personal question. If
he actually knows something of why, the answer becomes an even
more intimate one.
I write because I am afraid I will not be able to write.
I could say that I want the freedom I experience in writing. The solitude it provides. The way I have conversations with myself and with
others I will never meet. The community of writers I feel recognized by
and a part of. The opportunity to contribute to the literature of psychoanalysis. All of this is true. But it evades a fundamental truth: I have a
dread of not being able to return to the unique state of consciousness I
find when writing.
It has taken me a long time to know what I mean by these comments.
Twenty-five years ago, during a painful period of my life created by a
trauma, I was made all too well acquainted with feelings of helplessness
and of a sense of alienation. For a time, I lost the capacity to view myself
and others in my world as complex characters.
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Joan Wheelis, M.D., is a training and supervising psychoanalyst at Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute; assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School; clinical faculty at McLean
Hospital; and teaches at Massachusetts General Hospital / McLean Hospital Psychiatric Residency Program. Wheelis’s parents were both psychoanalysts who practiced in San Francisco, in offices that occupied a part of the home in which she grew up. Her father, Allen Wheelis, was the author of 15 books, including psychoanalytic and philosophical explorations, novels, and memoir. Joan Wheelis’s mother was known professionally as Ilse Jawetz. Fred L. Griffin, M.D., is training and supervising analyst at the Dallas Psychoanalytic Center and clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He is author of Creative Listening and the Psychoanalytic Process.
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Published On 4/14/2020
by Fred Griffin, MD
published in the February issue of the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
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Published On 3/31/2020
by Fred Griffin, MD
published online in Psychoanalysis Unplugged, online version of Psychology Today
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Candidate News

Published On 10/21/2019
Taking a deep dive into contemporary Western culture, this book suggests we are all fundamentally ambivalent beings. A great deal has been written about how to love - to be kinder, more empathic, a better person, and so on. But trying to love without dealing with our ambivalence, with our hatred, is often a recipe for failure. Any attempt, therefore, to love our neighbour as ourselves - or even, for that matter, to love ourselves - must recognise that we love where we hate and we hate where we love.
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